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贷款观察:Oulad M'Hand 的二分之一

贷款观察:Oulad MHand 的二分之一(图1)

Salah-Eddine Oulad M'Hand 在周五客场 3-2 战胜 VVV-Venlo 的比赛中,攻入两场比赛中的第二个进球,帮助登博斯以 2-1 领先。在过去四场比赛中取得三场胜利后,登博斯取得了胜利在 Eerste Divisie 中排名第 18。在英超联赛中,桑比·洛孔加 周六卢顿镇客场 2-1 输给狼队,踢了 90 分钟。 帽子队仍排名第 18,落后诺丁汉森林 1 分,领先伯恩利 1 分,还剩 3 场比赛。 米卡·比雷斯 在周三格拉茨风暴客场 3-1 战胜维也纳快速队的比赛中踢满了 61 分钟,并在周日客场 2-2 战平萨尔茨堡红牛的比赛中踢满了 59 分钟。格拉茨风暴现在在奥地利德甲 A 组中排名第一附加赛,领先第二名萨尔茨堡 3 分。雷克瑟姆的晋级庆祝活动继续进行,周六主场 2-1 战胜联赛冠军斯托克波特县。Arthur Okonkwo 踢了 90 分钟,雷克瑟姆以第二名的身份完成了本赛季的比赛联赛,落后斯托克波特 4 分,领先曼斯菲尔德镇 2 分。布罗姆利也有值得庆祝的地方,他们在瓦纳拉马全国联赛中获得第三名,并在附加赛中主场 3-1 战胜阿尔林查姆周日的半决赛。亚历克斯·柯克 这场比赛踢了 66 分钟,这场附加赛决赛将于本周日在温布利球场对阵联赛第五名的索利哈尔摩尔人。海外,马基尼奥斯 也踢了 66 分钟周四,弗鲁米嫩塞客场0-0战平波特诺山丘。他们在南美解放者杯中仍然位居 A 组榜首。在巴西甲级联赛中,弗鲁米嫩塞队在周日客场 0-3 输给科林蒂安队后,四场比赛积 4 分,排名第 15,马基尼奥斯踢了 90 分钟的比赛。最后一场比赛但并非最不重要的是,枪手二人组米歇尔·阿吉曼和莱拉·哈伯特都参加了沃特福德本赛季最后一场女足锦标赛。周日黄蜂队在主场以3-2战胜雷丁,哈伯特上场并获得胜利一次助攻,但他们在 22 场比赛中积 15 分,仍然排名联赛垫底。未上场的替补球员:

贷款观察:Oulad MHand 的二分之一(图2)


贷款观察:Oulad MHand 的二分之一(图3)


贷款观察:Oulad MHand 的二分之一(图4)

Our 3-2 win against Tottenham Hotspur was an extra special derby day for Mikel Arteta, who racked up his 100th Premier League win as a manager in the process.The Spaniard took charge of us in league action for the 169th time at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and clocked up a century of successes, having drawn 27 and lost 42 of the other games, handing him a win percentage of 59 per cent.That makes him the 25th different manager to reach a ton of success in the Premier League, and he has clocked up that total in the fifth-fastest time, doing so in 10 games less than Arsene Wenger achieved. Oddly, the two managed to achieve the feat on the same day, 23 years apart:However, what makes Mikel's century all the more impressive is that he has become the youngest manager to hit 100 - three years younger than his nearest rival and another boss he previously played under, David Moyes:His first win came against Manchester United on New Year’s Day 2020, and he has steadily increased his amount of victories per campaign, and is once again on course to beat his previously best tally of 26 last season:2-0 and 1-0 are his most common winning scorelines, which has has achieved on 16 occasions each. His biggest victories both came this year when West Ham United and Sheffield United were thrashed 6-0 away from home within the space of a few weeks.Wolves have been Mikel’s favourite opposition, as the win at Molineux a fortnight ago was the seventh time he has beaten them during his time in our dugout:

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英超 德甲 法甲 西甲 意甲
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